HLR Decoder (Python Source-Code)

In telecom lingo, HLR or (Home Location Register) is simply a database that contains all sort of information about each mobile phone subscriber. The HLR database is usually built directly on binary system file, which allows for very fast data manipulation, but creates integrity and consistency dilemma from a security point-of-view.

I wrote this HLR decoder back in 2012 to decode Ericson HLR R13.2/14.1 and it was my very first Python application. The goal was to decode two HLR dump files and perform consistency check between them. The code is certainly not optimized and not complete, yet it can successfully decode the following records:

  1. ADM record: administrative data.
  2. ENDOFPRINTOUT record: end of printout information.
  3. SUBSDATA record: permanent subscribers data.
  4. EXTSUBSDATA record: extended subscriber data.
    1. CUG tag: Closed User Group data.
    2. GPRS tag: General Packet Radio Service data.

How to use the decoder:

First, you need to install & configure Python. If you’re a Windows user, you can follow this tutorial How to Setup a Proper Python Environment on Windows

Second, download the source code fromĀ this link and follow the instructions in the “readme.txt” file.

Feel free to use the code as you like (it’s published under Creative Commons (CC) Attribution License see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )


# Input: HLR binary dump file (ex: HLRDUMP.dat)
# Output: HLR Hexadecimal file (ex: HLRDUMP_hex.hex)
# Usage: C:\>python cmd_hexify.py "C:\>HLR\HLRDUMP.dat"

import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime

def getLastPosition(f):
    f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
    lpos = max(0, f.tell())
    while lpos > 0 :
        f.seek(lpos-1, 0)
        if f.read(1).encode("hex") != '00' :
        lpos -= 1
    return f.tell()

def sanitizepath(path):
    if len(path) == 0:

    snpath = r'"' + path + '"'

    if path[0] == "\"":
        snpath = snpath[1:]
    if path[-1] == "\"":
        snpath = snpath[0:-1]

    return snpath

def toHex(in_path, out_path, offset):
        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :
            with open(out_path, 'ab') as outFile :
                #Get EOF position
                eof = getLastPosition(inFile)
                lenPool = eof-offset+1
                i = 0

                inFile.seek(offset, 0)
                sys.stdout.write('>>call file.read(%s)' % in_path)
                pool = inFile.read(eof-offset)
                sys.stdout.write('>>call file.write(%s)' % out_path)

                bulk = []
                while i < lenPool :
                    if i % 10240 == 0 :
                        bulk = []
                if bulk != []:

        return True

    except IOError as (errno, strerror) :
        #Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)
        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :
        if 'outFile' in dir() and not outFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def main(argv=sys.argv):
        if argv is None :
            argv = sys.argv
        dumps = []
        hexFiles = []
        if len(sys.argv) > 1 :

            print '\n$ time:\t%s\n' % datetime.now()

            hexFiles.append(sys.argv[1].replace('.dat', '_hex.hex'))

            print '>invoke Hexify(%s)' % sys.argv[1]
            done = toHex(dumps[0], hexFiles[0], 0)

            if done:
                print '>invoke Hexify(%s)\t[DONE]' % sys.argv[1]
                print '\n$ time:\t%s\n' % datetime.now()
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]
        print '>invoke sys.exit(main(sys.argv))'
        ##raw_input("Press any key to continue...")

if __name__ == "__main__" :
# Input: HLR Hexadecimal file (ex: HLRDUMP_hex.hex)
# Output: HLR SUBSDATA record file (ex: HLRDUMP_subsdata.hex)
# Usage: C:\>python cmd_extract_subsdata.py "D:\>HLR\HLRDUMP_hex.hex"

import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime

def getLastPosition(f):
    f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
    lpos = max(0, f.tell())
    while lpos > 0 :
        f.seek(lpos-1, 0)
        if f.read(1).encode("hex") != '00' :
        lpos -= 1
    return f.tell()

def sanitizepath(path):
    if len(path) == 0:

    snpath = r'"' + path + '"'

    if path[0] == "\"":
        snpath = snpath[1:]
    if path[-1] == "\"":
        snpath = snpath[0:-1]

    return os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(snpath))

def readSUBDATA(in_path, out_path, offset):
        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :
            eof = getLastPosition(inFile)
            start,end = 0,0

            inFile.seek(offset, 0)
            sys.stdout.write('>>call file.read(%s)' % in_path)
            pool = inFile.read(eof-offset)
            sys.stdout.write('>>call file.write(%s)' % out_path)
##        with open("dump.txt", 'w') as out:
##            out.write(pool)
        with open(out_path, 'ab') as outFile :
            while True:
                start = pool.find("ff32", end)
                end = pool.find("ff32", start+42)

                if min(start, end) < 0 :
                    if start > 0 :
                        outFile.write( pool[start+2:pool.find("ff33", start+2)+2] )
                        outFile.write( '\r\n' )

                outFile.write( pool[start+2:end+2] )
                outFile.write( '\r\n' )

        return True

    except IOError as (errno, strerror) :
        #Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :
        if 'outFile' in dir() and not outFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def main(argv=sys.argv):
        if argv is None :
            argv = sys.argv
        hexFiles = []
        outFiles = []
        if len(sys.argv) > 1 :
            print '\n$ time:\t%s\n' % datetime.now()

            outFiles.append(sys.argv[1].replace("_hex.hex", "_subsdata.hex"))

            print '>invoke ExtractSUBDATA(%s)' % sys.argv[1]
            done = readSUBDATA(hexFiles[0], outFiles[0], 0)

            if done:
                print '>invoke ExtractSUBDATA(%s)\t[DONE]' % sys.argv[1]
                print '\n$ time:\t%s\n' % datetime.now()
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]
        print 'sys.exit(main(sys.argv))'
        ##raw_input("Press any key to continue...")

if __name__ == "__main__" :
# Input: - HLR binary dump file (ex: HLRDUMP.dat)
#        - HLR SUBSDATA record file (ex: HLRDUMP_subsdata.hex)
# Output: HLR decoded CSV file (ex: HLRDUMP_parsed.csv)
# Usage: C:\>python cmd_decode_subsdata.py "D:\>HLR\HLRDUMP.dat" "D:\>HLR\HLRDUMP_subsdata.hex"

import sys
import os
import binascii
from datetime import datetime

if not 'DEBUG' in dir() :
    Debugging indicator.
      - True:   Output debugging results,
      - False:  Omit debugging results.

    DEBUG = False #or True

def enum(**enums):
    Function return generic enumeration type
      - enums:  enumerated list

    return type('Enum', (), enums)

ENCODING = enum(BIN=0, BCD=1, TBCD=2, HEX=16, ISO=8)    #Define encoing types

def byte_to_binary(n):
    Convert bytes to binary

    return ''.join(str((n & (1 << i)) and 1) for i in reversed(range(8)))

def hex_to_binary(h):
    Convert hex to binary

    return ''.join(byte_to_binary(ord(b)) for b in binascii.unhexlify(h))

def getLastPosition(in_path):
    Function that returns the last non 0x00 position.
      - in_path:    the input file full-path + extension.

        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :

            #Set the file's current position to EOF
            inFile.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)

            #Get EOF position
            lpos = max(0, inFile.tell())

            while lpos > 0 :
                inFile.seek(lpos-1, 0)
                if inFile.read(1).encode("hex") != '00' :
                lpos -= 1

            if DEBUG : print "[DEBUG]\r\n%d\r\n[/DEBUG]\r\n" % inFile.tell() ## Debugging

            return inFile.tell()  

    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    	#Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def sanitizepath(path):
    if len(path) == 0:

    snpath = r'"' + path + '"'

    if path[0] == "\"":
        snpath = snpath[1:]
    if path[-1] == "\"":
        snpath = snpath[0:-1]

    return os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(snpath))

def decode(value, encoding):
    Function that decodes byte(s) according to the encoding type
      - value:      value to decode.
      - encoding:   encoding type.

    #Decode to Binary
    if encoding == ENCODING.BIN :
        return hex_to_binary(value.encode("hex"))

    #Decode to BCD
    if encoding == ENCODING.BCD :
        bcd = value.encode("hex").lower()
        return bcd[:bcd.find('f')]

    #Decode to ISO
    if encoding == ENCODING.ISO :
        return value

    #Decode to Hex
    if encoding == ENCODING.HEX :
        return value.encode("hex")

def getRecordAMD(in_path, out_path, offset):
    Function that returns the ADM Record.
    The ADM record is stored in the file when subscriber data output is initiated.
    This record consists of administrative data.
      - in_path:    the input file full-path + extension.

        #Set the record length
        length = 32

        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :

            #Set the file's current position
            inFile.seek(offset, 0)

            sys.stdout.write('>>>call file.read(%s)' % in_path)

            #Read the file AMD Record
            pool = inFile.read(length)

            sys.stdout.write('>>>extract data')

            if DEBUG : print "[DEBUG]\r\n%s\r\n[/DEBUG]\r\n" % pool ## Debugging

        out = []

        #Create AMD Record Type
        out.append( decode(pool[:1], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 1 bytes

        #Create Exhange Idenity
        out.append( decode(pool[1:13], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')   # 12 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Year
        out.append( decode(pool[13:15], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Month
        out.append( decode(pool[15:17], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Day
        out.append( decode(pool[17:19], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Hour
        out.append( decode(pool[19:21], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Minute
        out.append( decode(pool[21:23], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Determine parameter given in command
        temp = decode(pool[23:24], ENCODING.BIN)[4:]
        params = []

        if temp[3] == '0':
        if temp[2] == '0':
        if temp[1] == '0':
        if temp[0] == '0':

        #Create Parameter given in command
        out.append( "".join(params) )   # 1 bytes, Binary Coded

        #Create Parameter value
        ##out.append( decode(pool[24:32], ENCODING.BCD) + ',')   # 8 bytes, BCD Coded
        out.append( decode(pool[24:32], ENCODING.BCD) )   # 8 bytes, BCD Coded  

        sys.stdout.write('>>>call file.write(%s)' % out_path)
        #Open a file for write
        with open(out_path, 'a') as outFile :
            #Write to File

        return True

    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    	#Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :
        if 'outFile' in dir() and not outFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def getRecordEND(in_path, out_path, offset):
    Function that returns the ENDOFPRINTOUT Record.
    The ENDOFPRINTOUT record is stored in the file when subscriber data output is finished..
    This record indicates end of printout.
      - in_path:    the input file full-path + extension.

        #Set the record length
        length = 12

        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :

            #Set the file's current position
            inFile.seek(offset-length, 0)

            sys.stdout.write('>>>call file.read(%s)' % in_path)

            #Read the file ENDOFPRINTOUT Record
            pool = inFile.read(length)

            sys.stdout.write('>>>extract data')

            if DEBUG : print "[DEBUG]\r\n%s\r\n[/DEBUG]\r\n" % pool ## Debugging

        out = []
        #Create ENDOFPRINTOUT Record Type
        out.append( decode(pool[:1], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 1 byte

        #Create Ending Year
        out.append( decode(pool[1:3], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Ending Month
        out.append( decode(pool[3:5], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Ending Day
        out.append( decode(pool[5:7], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Ending Hour
        out.append( decode(pool[7:9], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Ending Minute
        out.append( decode(pool[9:11], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Determine the type of end of print
        ##out.append( decode(pool[11:12], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')   # 1 bytes, ISO Coded
        out.append( decode(pool[11:12], ENCODING.ISO) )   # 1 bytes, ISO Coded

        sys.stdout.write('>>>call file.write(%s)' % out_path)
        #Open a file for write
        with open(out_path, 'a') as outFile :
            #Write to File

        return True

    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    	#Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :
        if 'outFile' in dir() and not outFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def getRecordSUBSDATA(in_path, out_path, offset):
    Function that returns the SUBSDATA Record.
    A subscriber data block consists of two types of records per connected Subscriber:
        1. one SUBSDATA record with permanent subscriber data, and
        2. one optional EXTSUBSDATA record with extended subscriber data.
      - in_path:    the input file full-path + extension.

        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :

            #Set the file's current position
            inFile.seek(offset, 0)

            root = None

            print '>>>call file.read(%s)' % in_path
            print '>>>extract data'
            print '>>>call file.write(%s)' % out_path

            #Open a file for write
            with open(out_path, 'a') as outFile :
                for line in inFile.xreadlines() :
                    #Create Root
                    out = []

                    #Extract SUBSDATA Record type
                    out.append( chr(int(line[:2],16)) + ',')
                    #Extract Record number
                    ##out.append( str(int(line[2:8],16)) + ',')
                    #Extract ACIMSI number
                    out.append( line[8:24].replace('f', '') + ',')
                    #Extract MSISDN
                    out.append( line[24:40].replace('f', '') + ',')
                    #Extract Number of additional MSISDN
                    out.append( str(int(line[40:42],16)) + ',')

                    #Extract Additional MSISDN Information
                    pos,i = 42,0
                    while i < int(line[40:42],16) :
                        #Extract Additional MSISDN
                        out.append( line[42+i*22:(42+i*22+16)].replace('f', '') + ',')
                        #Extract BC number tied to Additional MSISDN
                        out.append( str(int(line[42+i*22+16:42+i*22+20],16)) + ',')
                        #Extract Service pointer for BS that represents the BC number
                        out.append( str(int(line[42+i*22+20:42+i*22+22],16)) + ',')

                        i = i+1

                    #Calculate current position
                    if i != 0:
                        i -= 1
                        pos = 42+i*22+22
                    i = 1

                    #Extract SUD Information
                    while line[pos:pos+2] not in ['ff', 'fe', ''] :
                        #Extract Service pointer for permanent SUD
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos:pos+2], 16)) + ',')
                        #Extract SUD value
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos+2:pos+6], 16)) + ',')

                        pos,i = pos+6, i+1

                    #Check if IMEISV identifier is included
                    if line[pos:pos+2] == 'fe' :
                        #Extract IMEISV identifier
                        out.append( line[pos+2:pos+18] + ',')

                    #Extract End of record
                    ##out.append( line[pos:pos+2] + ',')
                    out.append( line[pos:pos+2] )

                    #Append record length in bytes
                    ##out.append( str((pos+2)/2) + ',')                 

                    #Write to File

        print '>>>call file.read(%s)\t[DONE]' % in_path
        print '>>>extract data\t[DONE]'
        print '>>>call file.write(%s)\t[DONE]' % out_path

        return True

    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    	#Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :
        if 'outFile' in dir() and not outFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def ExtractDump(dumps, hexFiles):
    #Loop through each dump file
    index = 0
    for dump in dumps:
        #Set output file
        outPath = dump.replace('.dat','_parsed.csv')

        #Extract AMD record
        print '>>invoke getRecordAMD(%s)' % dump
        done = getRecordAMD(dump, outPath, 0)
        if done:
            print '>>invoke getRecordAMD(%s)\t[DONE]' % dump

        #Extract SUBDATA record
        print '>>invoke getRecordSUBSDATA(%s)' % dump
        done = getRecordSUBSDATA(hexFiles[index], outPath, 0)
        if done:
            print '>>invoke getRecordSUBSDATA(%s)\t[DONE]' % dump

        #Extract ENDPRINT record
        print '>>invoke getRecordEND(%s)' % dump
        done = getRecordEND(dump, outPath, getLastPosition(dump))
        if done:
            print '>>invoke getRecordEND(%s)\t[DONE]' % dump

        index += 1

def main(argv=sys.argv):
        if argv is None :
            argv = sys.argv
        dumps = []
        hexFiles = []
        if len(sys.argv) > 2 :

            print '\n$ time:\t%s\n' % datetime.now()


            print '>invoke ExtractDump(%s)' % sys.argv[1]
            ExtractDump([dumps[0]], [hexFiles[0]])

            print '>invoke ExtractDump(%s)\t[DONE]' % sys.argv[1]
            print '\n$ time:\t%s\n' % datetime.now()

        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]
        print 'sys.exit(main(sys.argv))'
        ##raw_input("Press any key to continue...")

if __name__ == "__main__" :
# Input: - HLR binary dump file (ex: CUGDUMP.dat)
#        - HLR SUBSDATA record with CUG Tag file (ex: CUGDUMP_subsdata.hex)
# Output: HLR decoded CSV file (ex: CUGDUMP_parsed.csv)
# Usage: C:\>python cmd_decode_cug.py "D:\>HLR\CUGDUMP.dat" "D:\>HLR\CUGDUMP_subsdata.hex"

import sys
import os
import binascii
from datetime import datetime

if not 'DEBUG' in dir() :
    Debugging indicator.
      - True:   Output debugging results,
      - False:  Omit debugging results.

    DEBUG = False #or True

def enum(**enums):
    Function return generic enumeration type
      - enums:  enumerated list

    return type('Enum', (), enums)

ENCODING = enum(BIN=0, BCD=1, TBCD=2, HEX=16, ISO=8)    #Define encoing types

def byte_to_binary(n):
    Convert bytes to binary

    return ''.join(str((n & (1 << i)) and 1) for i in reversed(range(8)))

def hex_to_binary(h):
    Convert hex to binary

    return ''.join(byte_to_binary(ord(b)) for b in binascii.unhexlify(h))

def getLastPosition(in_path):
    Function that returns the last non 0x00 position.
      - in_path:    the input file full-path + extension.

        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :

            #Set the file's current position to EOF
            inFile.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)

            #Get EOF position
            lpos = max(0, inFile.tell())

            while lpos > 0 :
                inFile.seek(lpos-1, 0)
                if inFile.read(1).encode("hex") != '00' :
                lpos -= 1

            if DEBUG : print "[DEBUG]\r\n%d\r\n[/DEBUG]\r\n" % inFile.tell() ## Debugging

            return inFile.tell()  

    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    	#Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def sanitizepath(path):
    if len(path) == 0:

    snpath = r'"' + path + '"'

    if path[0] == "\"":
        snpath = snpath[1:]
    if path[-1] == "\"":
        snpath = snpath[0:-1]

    return os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(snpath))

def decode(value, encoding):
    Function that decodes byte(s) according to the encoding type
      - value:      value to decode.
      - encoding:   encoding type.

    #Decode to Binary
    if encoding == ENCODING.BIN :
        return hex_to_binary(value.encode("hex"))

    #Decode to BCD
    if encoding == ENCODING.BCD :
        bcd = value.encode("hex").lower()
        return bcd[:bcd.find('f')]

    #Decode to ISO
    if encoding == ENCODING.ISO :
        return value

    #Decode to Hex
    if encoding == ENCODING.HEX :
        return value.encode("hex")

def getRecordAMD(in_path, out_path, offset):
    Function that returns the ADM Record.
    The ADM record is stored in the file when subscriber data output is initiated.
    This record consists of administrative data.
      - in_path:    the input file full-path + extension.

        #Set the record length
        length = 32

        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :

            #Set the file's current position
            inFile.seek(offset, 0)

            sys.stdout.write('>>>call file.read(%s)' % in_path)

            #Read the file AMD Record
            pool = inFile.read(length)

            sys.stdout.write('>>>extract data')

            if DEBUG : print "[DEBUG]\r\n%s\r\n[/DEBUG]\r\n" % pool ## Debugging

        out = []

        #Create AMD Record Type
        out.append( decode(pool[:1], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 1 bytes

        #Create Exhange Idenity
        out.append( decode(pool[1:13], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')   # 12 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Year
        out.append( decode(pool[13:15], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Month
        out.append( decode(pool[15:17], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Day
        out.append( decode(pool[17:19], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Hour
        out.append( decode(pool[19:21], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Minute
        out.append( decode(pool[21:23], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Determine parameter given in command
        temp = decode(pool[23:24], ENCODING.BIN)[4:]
        params = []

        if temp[3] == '0':
        if temp[2] == '0':
        if temp[1] == '0':
        if temp[0] == '0':

        #Create Parameter given in command
        out.append( "".join(params) )   # 1 bytes, Binary Coded

        #Create Parameter value
        ##out.append( decode(pool[24:32], ENCODING.BCD) + ',')   # 8 bytes, BCD Coded
        out.append( decode(pool[24:32], ENCODING.BCD) )   # 8 bytes, BCD Coded

        sys.stdout.write('>>>call file.write(%s)' % out_path)
        #Open a file for write
        with open(out_path, 'a') as outFile :
            #Write to File

        return True

    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    	#Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :
        if 'outFile' in dir() and not outFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def getRecordEND(in_path, out_path, offset):
    Function that returns the ENDOFPRINTOUT Record.
    The ENDOFPRINTOUT record is stored in the file when subscriber data output is finished..
    This record indicates end of printout.
      - in_path:    the input file full-path + extension.

        #Set the record length
        length = 12

        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :

            #Set the file's current position
            inFile.seek(offset-length, 0)

            sys.stdout.write('>>>call file.read(%s)' % in_path)

            #Read the file ENDOFPRINTOUT Record
            pool = inFile.read(length)

            sys.stdout.write('>>>extract data')

            if DEBUG : print "[DEBUG]\r\n%s\r\n[/DEBUG]\r\n" % pool ## Debugging

        out = []
        #Create ENDOFPRINTOUT Record Type
        out.append( decode(pool[:1], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 1 byte

        #Create Ending Year
        out.append( decode(pool[1:3], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Ending Month
        out.append( decode(pool[3:5], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Ending Day
        out.append( decode(pool[5:7], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Ending Hour
        out.append( decode(pool[7:9], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Ending Minute
        out.append( decode(pool[9:11], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Determine the type of end of print
        ##out.append( decode(pool[11:12], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')   # 1 bytes, ISO Coded
        out.append( decode(pool[11:12], ENCODING.ISO) )   # 1 bytes, ISO Coded

        sys.stdout.write('>>>call file.write(%s)' % out_path)
        #Open a file for write
        with open(out_path, 'a') as outFile :
            #Write to File

        return True

    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    	#Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :
        if 'outFile' in dir() and not outFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def getRecordSUBSDATA(in_path, out_path, offset):
    Function that returns the SUBSDATA Record.
    A subscriber data block consists of two types of records per connected Subscriber:
        1. one SUBSDATA record with permanent subscriber data, and
        2. one optional EXTSUBSDATA record with extended subscriber data.
      - in_path:    the input file full-path + extension.

        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :

            #Set the file's current position
            inFile.seek(offset, 0)

            root = None

            print '>>>call file.read(%s)' % in_path
            print '>>>extract data'
            print '>>>call file.write(%s)' % out_path

            #Open a file for write
            with open(out_path, 'a') as outFile :
                for line in inFile.xreadlines() :
                    #Create Root
                    out = []

                    #Extract SUBSDATA Record type
                    out.append( chr(int(line[:2],16)) + ',')
                    #Extract Record number
                    ##out.append( str(int(line[2:8],16)) + ',')
                    #Extract ACIMSI number
                    out.append( line[8:24].replace('f', '') + ',')
                    #Extract MSISDN
                    out.append( line[24:40].replace('f', '') + ',')
                    #Extract Number of additional MSISDN
                    out.append( str(int(line[40:42],16)) + ',')

                    #Extract Additional MSISDN Information
                    pos,i = 42,0
                    while i < int(line[40:42],16) :
                        #Extract Additional MSISDN
                        out.append( line[42+i*22:(42+i*22+16)].replace('f', '') + ',')
                        #Extract BC number tied to Additional MSISDN
                        out.append( str(int(line[42+i*22+16:42+i*22+20],16)) + ',')
                        #Extract Service pointer for BS that represents the BC number
                        out.append( str(int(line[42+i*22+20:42+i*22+22],16)) + ',')

                        i = i+1

                    #Calculate current position
                    if i != 0:
                        i -= 1
                        pos = 42+i*22+22
                    i = 1

                    #Extract SUD Information
                    while line[pos:pos+2] not in ['ff', 'fe', ''] :
                        #Extract Service pointer for permanent SUD
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos:pos+2], 16)) + ',')
                        #Extract SUD value
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos+2:pos+6], 16)) + ',')

                        pos,i = pos+6, i+1

                    #Check if IMEISV identifier is included
                    if line[pos:pos+2] == 'fe' :
                        #Extract IMEISV identifier
                        out.append( line[pos+2:pos+18] + ',')

                    #Extract End of record SUBSDATA
                    out.append( line[pos:pos+2] + ',')

                    pos += 2; #Calculate current position


                    # Extract Record EXTSUBSDATA Type
                    out.append( chr(int(line[pos:pos+2],16)) + ',')
                    # Tag Closed User Group (CUG) data (Numeral 1), 1 Byte
                    cugtag = int(line[pos+2:pos+4],16)

                    if cugtag != 1 :   # No Tag CUG Data
                        #Extract End of record SUBSDATA
                        ##out.append( line[pos+2:pos+4] + ',')
                        out.append( line[pos+2:pos+4] )

                        pos += 4; #Calculate current position

                        #Append record length in bytes
                        ##out.append( str((pos+2)/2) + ',')                 

                        #Write to File


                    out.append( str(cugtag) + ',')

                    pos += 4; #Calculate current position

                    # Extract CUG & BSG Data
                    while (line[pos:pos+4] != "8104"):
                        # Subtag IntraCUG data (Numeral 128), 1 Byte
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos:pos+2],16)) + ',')
                        # Length of IntraCUG data (Numeral 9 - 14), 1 Byte
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos+2:pos+4],16)) + ',')
                        # CUG Index (Numeral 0 - 32767), 2 Byte
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos+4:pos+8],16)) + ',')
                        # CUG Interlock Code Network Identity (Digit string 0000 - 9999), 2 Byte
                        out.append( str(line[pos+8:pos+12]) + ',')
                        # Interlock Code (Numeral 0 - 65535), 2 Byte
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos+12:pos+16],16)) + ',')
                        # CUG restrictions (Numeral 0 - 2), 1 Byte
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos+16:pos+18],16)) + ',')
                        # Number of BSGs affected (Numeral 1 - 6), 1 Byte
                        bsgnum = int(line[pos+18:pos+20],16)
                        out.append( str(bsgnum) + ',')

                        pos += 20; #Calculate current position

                        # BSG service pointer (Numeral 0 - 255), 1 Byte
                        for i in range(0, bsgnum):
                            out.append( str(int(line[pos:pos+2],16)) + ',')
                            pos += 2; #Calculate current position

                    # Extract Sub CUG Data
                    for i in range(0, bsgnum):
                        # Subtag InterCUG data (Numeral 129), 1 Byte
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos:pos+2],16)) + ',')
                        # Length of InterCUG data (Numeral 4), 1 Byte
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos+2:pos+4],16)) + ',')
                        # BSG service pointer (Numeral 0 - 255), 1 Byte
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos+4:pos+6],16)) + ',')
                        # Inter CUG accessibility (Numeral 0 - 3), 1 Byte
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos+6:pos+8],16)) + ',')
                        # Preferential CUG (Numeral 0 - 32767, 65535), 2 Byte
                        out.append( str(int(line[pos+8:pos+12],16)) + ',')

                        pos += 12; #Calculate current position

                    #Extract End of Record EXTSUBSDATA
                    ##out.append( line[pos:pos+2] + ',')
                    out.append( line[pos:pos+2] )

                    pos += 2; #Calculate current position


                    #Append record length in bytes
                    ##out.append( str((pos+2)/2) + ',')

                    #Write to File

        print '>>>call file.read(%s)\t[DONE]' % in_path
        print '>>>extract data\t[DONE]'
        print '>>>call file.write(%s)\t[DONE]' % out_path

        return True

    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    	#Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :
        if 'outFile' in dir() and not outFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def ExtractDump(dumps, hexFiles):
    #Loop through each dump file
    index = 0
    for dump in dumps:
        #Set output file
        outPath = dump.replace('.dat','_parsed.csv')

        #Extract AMD record
        print '>>invoke getRecordAMD(%s)' % dump
        done = getRecordAMD(dump, outPath, 0)
        if done:
            print '>>invoke getRecordAMD(%s)\t[DONE]' % dump

        #Extract SUBDATA record
        print '>>invoke getRecordSUBSDATA(%s)' % dump
        done = getRecordSUBSDATA(hexFiles[index], outPath, 0)
        if done:
            print '>>invoke getRecordSUBSDATA(%s)\t[DONE]' % dump

        #Extract ENDPRINT record
        print '>>invoke getRecordEND(%s)' % dump
        done = getRecordEND(dump, outPath, getLastPosition(dump))
        if done:
            print '>>invoke getRecordEND(%s)\t[DONE]' % dump

        index += 1

def main(argv=sys.argv):
        if argv is None :
            argv = sys.argv
        dumps = []
        hexFiles = []
        if len(sys.argv) > 2 :

            print '\n$ time:\t%s\n' % datetime.now()


            print '>invoke ExtractDump(%s)' % sys.argv[1]
            ExtractDump([dumps[0]], [hexFiles[0]])

            print '>invoke ExtractDump(%s)\t[DONE]' % sys.argv[1]
            print '\n$ time:\t%s\n' % datetime.now()

        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]
        print 'sys.exit(main(sys.argv))'
        ##raw_input("Press any key to continue...")

if __name__ == "__main__" :
# Input: - HLR binary dump file (ex: GPRSDUMP.dat)
#        - HLR SUBSDATA record with GPRSDUMP Tag file (ex: GPRSDUMP_subsdata.hex)
# Output: HLR decoded CSV file (ex: GPRSDUMP_parsed.csv)
# Usage: C:\>python cmd_decode_gprs.py "D:\>HLR\GPRSDUMP.dat" "D:\>HLR\GPRSDUMP_subsdata.hex"

import sys
import os
import binascii
from datetime import datetime

if not 'DEBUG' in dir() :
    Debugging indicator.
      - True:   Output debugging results,
      - False:  Omit debugging results.

    DEBUG = False #or True

def enum(**enums):
    Function return generic enumeration type
      - enums:  enumerated list

    return type('Enum', (), enums)

ENCODING = enum(BIN=0, BCD=1, TBCD=2, HEX=16, ISO=8)    #Define encoing types

def byte_to_binary(n):
    Convert bytes to binary

    return ''.join(str((n & (1 << i)) and 1) for i in reversed(range(8)))

def hex_to_binary(h):
    Convert hex to binary

    return ''.join(byte_to_binary(ord(b)) for b in binascii.unhexlify(h))

def getLastPosition(in_path):
    Function that returns the last non 0x00 position.
      - in_path:    the input file full-path + extension.

        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :

            #Set the file's current position to EOF
            inFile.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)

            #Get EOF position
            lpos = max(0, inFile.tell())

            while lpos > 0 :
                inFile.seek(lpos-1, 0)
                if inFile.read(1).encode("hex") != '00' :
                lpos -= 1

            if DEBUG : print "[DEBUG]\r\n%d\r\n[/DEBUG]\r\n" % inFile.tell() ## Debugging

            return inFile.tell()  

    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    	#Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def sanitizepath(path):
    if len(path) == 0:

    snpath = r'"' + path + '"'

    if path[0] == "\"":
        snpath = snpath[1:]
    if path[-1] == "\"":
        snpath = snpath[0:-1]

    return os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(snpath))

def decode(value, encoding):
    Function that decodes byte(s) according to the encoding type
      - value:      value to decode.
      - encoding:   encoding type.

    #Decode to Binary
    if encoding == ENCODING.BIN :
        return hex_to_binary(value.encode("hex"))

    #Decode to BCD
    if encoding == ENCODING.BCD :
        bcd = value.encode("hex").lower()
        return bcd[:bcd.find('f')]

    #Decode to ISO
    if encoding == ENCODING.ISO :
        return value

    #Decode to Hex
    if encoding == ENCODING.HEX :
        return value.encode("hex")

def getRecordAMD(in_path, out_path, offset):
    Function that returns the ADM Record.
    The ADM record is stored in the file when subscriber data output is initiated.
    This record consists of administrative data.
      - in_path:    the input file full-path + extension.

        #Set the record length
        length = 32

        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :

            #Set the file's current position
            inFile.seek(offset, 0)

            sys.stdout.write('>>>call file.read(%s)' % in_path)

            #Read the file AMD Record
            pool = inFile.read(length)

            sys.stdout.write('>>>extract data')

            if DEBUG : print "[DEBUG]\r\n%s\r\n[/DEBUG]\r\n" % pool ## Debugging

        out = []

        #Create AMD Record Type
        out.append( decode(pool[:1], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 1 bytes

        #Create Exhange Idenity
        out.append( decode(pool[1:13], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')   # 12 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Year
        out.append( decode(pool[13:15], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Month
        out.append( decode(pool[15:17], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Day
        out.append( decode(pool[17:19], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Hour
        out.append( decode(pool[19:21], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Starting Minute
        out.append( decode(pool[21:23], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Determine parameter given in command
        temp = decode(pool[23:24], ENCODING.BIN)[4:]
        params = []

        if temp[3] == '0':
        if temp[2] == '0':
        if temp[1] == '0':
        if temp[0] == '0':

        #Create Parameter given in command
        out.append( "".join(params) )   # 1 bytes, Binary Coded

        #Create Parameter value
        ##out.append( decode(pool[24:32], ENCODING.BCD) + ',')   # 8 bytes, BCD Coded
        out.append( decode(pool[24:32], ENCODING.BCD) )   # 8 bytes, BCD Coded

        sys.stdout.write('>>>call file.write(%s)' % out_path)
        #Open a file for write
        with open(out_path, 'a') as outFile :
            #Write to File

        return True

    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    	#Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :
        if 'outFile' in dir() and not outFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def getRecordEND(in_path, out_path, offset):
    Function that returns the ENDOFPRINTOUT Record.
    The ENDOFPRINTOUT record is stored in the file when subscriber data output is finished..
    This record indicates end of printout.
      - in_path:    the input file full-path + extension.

        #Set the record length
        length = 12

        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :

            #Set the file's current position
            inFile.seek(offset-length, 0)

            sys.stdout.write('>>>call file.read(%s)' % in_path)

            #Read the file ENDOFPRINTOUT Record
            pool = inFile.read(length)

            sys.stdout.write('>>>extract data')

            if DEBUG : print "[DEBUG]\r\n%s\r\n[/DEBUG]\r\n" % pool ## Debugging

        out = []
        #Create ENDOFPRINTOUT Record Type
        out.append( decode(pool[:1], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 1 byte

        #Create Ending Year
        out.append( decode(pool[1:3], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Ending Month
        out.append( decode(pool[3:5], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Ending Day
        out.append( decode(pool[5:7], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Ending Hour
        out.append( decode(pool[7:9], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Create Ending Minute
        out.append( decode(pool[9:11], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')  # 2 bytes, ISO Coded

        #Determine the type of end of print
        ##out.append( decode(pool[11:12], ENCODING.ISO) + ',')   # 1 bytes, ISO Coded
        out.append( decode(pool[11:12], ENCODING.ISO) )   # 1 bytes, ISO Coded

        sys.stdout.write('>>>call file.write(%s)' % out_path)
        #Open a file for write
        with open(out_path, 'a') as outFile :
            #Write to File

        return True

    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    	#Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :
        if 'outFile' in dir() and not outFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def getRecordSUBSDATA(in_path, out_path, offset):
    Function that returns the SUBSDATA Record.
    A subscriber data block consists of two types of records per connected Subscriber:
        1. one SUBSDATA record with permanent subscriber data, and
        2. one optional EXTSUBSDATA record with extended subscriber data.
      - in_path:    the input file full-path + extension.

        #Open a file for read in binary mode
        with open(in_path, 'rb') as inFile :

            #Set the file's current position
            inFile.seek(offset, 0)

            root = None

            print '>>>call file.read(%s)' % in_path
            print '>>>extract data'
            print '>>>call file.write(%s)' % out_path

            #Open a file for write
            with open(out_path, 'a') as outFile :
                for line in inFile.xreadlines() :
                    #Create Root
                    out = []
                    #Extract SUBSDATA Record type
                    #out.append( chr(int(line[:2],16)) + ',')
                    #Extract Record number
                    ##out.append( str(int(line[2:8],16)) + ',')
                    #Extract ACIMSI number
                    out.append( line[8:24].replace('f', '') + ',')

                    #Extract MSISDN
                    out.append( line[24:40].replace('f', '') + ',')
                    #Extract Number of additional MSISDN
                    #out.append( str(int(line[40:42],16)) + ',')

                    #Extract Additional MSISDN Information
                    pos,i = 42,0
                    while i < int(line[40:42],16) :
                        #Extract Additional MSISDN
                        out.append( line[42+i*22:(42+i*22+16)].replace('f', '') + ',')
                        #Extract BC number tied to Additional MSISDN
                        #out.append( str(int(line[42+i*22+16:42+i*22+20],16)) + ',')
                        #Extract Service pointer for BS that represents the BC number
                        #out.append( str(int(line[42+i*22+20:42+i*22+22],16)) + ',')

                        i = i+1

                    #Calculate current position
                    if i != 0:
                        i -= 1
                        pos = 42+i*22+22
                    i = 1

                    #Extract SUD Information
                    while line[pos:pos+2] not in ['ff', 'fe', ''] :
                        #Extract Service pointer for permanent SUD
                        #out.append( str(int(line[pos:pos+2], 16)) + ',')
                        #Extract SUD value
                        #out.append( str(int(line[pos+2:pos+6], 16)) + ',')

                        pos,i = pos+6, i+1

                    #Check if IMEISV identifier is included
                    #if line[pos:pos+2] == 'fe' :
                        #Extract IMEISV identifier
                        #out.append( line[pos+2:pos+18] + ',')

                    #Extract End of record SUBSDATA
                    #out.append( line[pos:pos+2] + ',')

                    pos += 2; #Calculate current position


                    # Extract Record EXTSUBSDATA Type
                    #out.append( chr(int(line[pos:pos+2],16)) + ',')
                    # Tag GPRS data (Numeral 5), 1 Byte
                    gprstag = int(line[pos+2:pos+4],16)

                    if gprstag != 5 :   # No Tag GPRS Data
                        #Extract End of record SUBSDATA
                        ##out.append( line[pos+2:pos+4] + ',')
                        #out.append( line[pos+2:pos+4] )

                        pos += 4; #Calculate current position

                        #Append record length in bytes
                        ##out.append( str((pos+2)/2) + ',')                 

                        #Write to File


                    #out.append( str(gprstag) + ',')

                    # Subtag Rel-4 PDP data (Numeral 130), 1 Byte
                    #out.append( str(int(line[pos+4:pos+6],16)) + ',')
                    # Length of PDP data (Numeral 10-271), 2 Byte
                    #out.append( str(int(line[pos+6:pos+10],16)) + ',')
                    # Number of PDP contexts (Numeral 1 - 10), 1 Byte
                    pdpnum = int(line[pos+10:pos+12],16)
                    out.append( str(pdpnum) + ',')

                    pos += 12; #Calculate current position

                    # Extract PDP Data
                    for i in range(0, pdpnum):
                        # PDP context identifier (Numeral 1 - 10), 1 Byte
                        out.append( 'PDPID-' + str(int(line[pos:pos+2],16)) + ',')
                        # PDP addressing type (Numeral 0 - 2), 1 Byte
                        pdpaddtype = int(line[pos+2:pos+4],16)
                        #out.append( str(pdpaddtype) + ',')

                        # Check PDP Addressing type (dynamic, IPv4, or IPv6)
                        if pdpaddtype == 0 : # PDP Addressing type is dynamic
                            # Access Point Name (APN) identifier (Numeral 0 - 16383, 65535), 2 Byte
                            out.append( 'APNID-' + str(int(line[pos+4:pos+8],16)) + ',')
                            # Extended Quality Of Service (QOS) identifier (Numeral 0 - 4095), 2 Byte
                            out.append( 'QOSID-' + str(int(line[pos+8:pos+12],16)) + ',')
                            # Visited Public Land Mobile Network (VPLMN) address allowed (Numeral 0 - 1), 1 Byte
                            out.append( 'VPLMN-' + str(int(line[pos+12:pos+14],16)) + ',')
                            # PDP type (Numeral 0 - 2), 1 Byte
                            out.append( 'PDPT-' + str(int(line[pos+14:pos+16],16)) + ',')
                            # PDP context charging characteristics Indicator (Numeral 0, 255), 1 Byte
                            pdpcontextcharging = int(line[pos+16:pos+18],16)
                            out.append( 'PDPCH-' + str(pdpcontextcharging) + ',')
                            if pdpcontextcharging == 255 :
                                # Enhanced PDP context charging characteristics value (Numeral 0 - 65535), 2 Byte
                                out.append( 'PDPECH-' + str(int(line[pos+18:pos+22],16)) + ',')

                                pos += 22; #Calculate current position
                                pos += 18; #Calculate current position

                        elif pdpaddtype == 1 : # PDP Addressing type is IPv4
                            # %todo%
                            #raise Exception("# %todo%\tIPv4")
                            #print "\n# %todo%\tIPv4\n"

                            # IPv4 PDP address
                            out.append( 'PDPIPv4-' + str(int(line[pos+4:pos+6],16)) + '.' + str(int(line[pos+6:pos+8],16)) + '.' + str(int(line[pos+8:pos+10],16)) + '.' + str(int(line[pos+10:pos+12],16)) + ',')

                            # Access Point Name (APN) identifier (Numeral 0 - 16383, 65535), 2 Byte
                            out.append( 'APNID-' + str(int(line[pos+12:pos+16],16)) + ',')
                            # Extended Quality Of Service (QOS) identifier (Numeral 0 - 4095), 2 Byte
                            out.append( 'QOSID-' + str(int(line[pos+16:pos+20],16)) + ',')
                            # Visited Public Land Mobile Network (VPLMN) address allowed (Numeral 0 - 1), 1 Byte
                            out.append( 'VPLMN-' + str(int(line[pos+20:pos+22],16)) + ',')
                            # PDP type (Numeral 0 - 2), 1 Byte
                            out.append( 'PDPT-' + str(int(line[pos+22:pos+24],16)) + ',')
                            # PDP context charging characteristics Indicator (Numeral 0, 255), 1 Byte
                            pdpcontextcharging = int(line[pos+24:pos+26],16)
                            out.append( 'PDPCH-' + str(pdpcontextcharging) + ',')
                            if pdpcontextcharging == 255 :
                                # Enhanced PDP context charging characteristics value (Numeral 0 - 65535), 2 Byte
                                out.append( 'PDPECH' + str(int(line[pos+26:pos+30],16)) + ',')

                                pos += 30; #Calculate current position
                                pos += 26; #Calculate current position

                        elif pdpaddtype == 2 : # PDP Addressing type is IPv6
                            # %todo%
                            print "XOXO"
                            raise Exception("# %todo%\tIPv6")

                    #Extract End of Record EXTSUBSDATA
                    ##out.append( line[pos:pos+2] + ',')
                    #out.append( line[pos:pos+2] )

                    pos += 2; #Calculate current position


                    #Append record length in bytes
                    ##out.append( str((pos+2)/2) + ',')                 

                    #Write to File

        print '>>>call file.read(%s)\t[DONE]' % in_path
        print '>>>extract data\t[DONE]'
        print '>>>call file.write(%s)\t[DONE]' % out_path

        return True

    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    	#Output IO error message
        print "\nException:\n$ I/O error({0}): {1}\n".format(errno, strerror)

        #Output Exception message
        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]

        #Close opened file
        if 'inFile' in dir() and not inFile.closed :
        if 'outFile' in dir() and not outFile.closed :

        #Raise the Exception and stop the program execution

def ExtractDump(dumps, hexFiles):
    #Loop through each dump file
    index = 0
    for dump in dumps:
        #Set output file
        outPath = dump.replace('.dat','_parsed.csv')

        #Extract AMD record
        print '>>invoke getRecordAMD(%s)' % dump
        done = getRecordAMD(dump, outPath, 0)
        if done:
            print '>>invoke getRecordAMD(%s)\t[DONE]' % dump

        #Extract SUBDATA record
        print '>>invoke getRecordSUBSDATA(%s)' % dump
        done = getRecordSUBSDATA(hexFiles[index], outPath, 0)
        if done:
            print '>>invoke getRecordSUBSDATA(%s)\t[DONE]' % dump

        #Extract ENDPRINT record
        print '>>invoke getRecordEND(%s)' % dump
        done = getRecordEND(dump, outPath, getLastPosition(dump))
        if done:
            print '>>invoke getRecordEND(%s)\t[DONE]' % dump

        index += 1

def main(argv=sys.argv):
        if argv is None :
            argv = sys.argv
        dumps = []
        hexFiles = []
        if len(sys.argv) > 2 :

            print '\n$ time:\t%s\n' % datetime.now()


            print '>invoke ExtractDump(%s)' % sys.argv[1]
            ExtractDump([dumps[0]], [hexFiles[0]])

            print '>invoke ExtractDump(%s)\t[DONE]' % sys.argv[1]
            print '\n$ time:\t%s\n' % datetime.now()

        print "\nException:\n$ Unexpected error:%s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]
        print 'sys.exit(main(sys.argv))'
        ##raw_input("Press any key to continue...")

if __name__ == "__main__" :